We currently have open enrollment for 2's, 3's, and school age children.  In rooms which are currently full, we are accepting applications to be added to our wait list. 

Schedule and Rates

Faith Builders Day Care is open Monday - Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.  
Current Rates can be found HERE.

Our Enrollment Process:

  1. Complete the form below which includes payment of the $30 nonrefundable Application Fee. 
  2. We will contact you with additional information upon completion of the form.  Additional Parent Forms will need to be completed prior to your child's first day at Faith Builders Day Care.  

Application Form

Nondiscrimination Policy Statement

Faith Builders Day Care provides admission and services without regard to race, color, religious creed, disability, ancestry, national origin (including limited English proficiency), age or sex in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and with the rules and regulations of the Department of Human Services; Title VI and TITLE VIH of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975; the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act of 1955 as amended through 1980; and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Program Services will be made accessible to eligible persons with disabilities through the most practical and economically feasible methods available. These methods include, but are not limited to, equipment redesign, and the provision of aides. Structural modifications will be considered only as a last resort among available methods.